Tuesday, August 04, 2015


What time is it? I find I ask that question more than I should. I ask it as I likely am supposed to be someplace- and I am likely running late.

On a daily basis we try to jam more into our days than we really should. Too many meetings. Too many commitments. Not enough time for just us.

However when I look at a larger scale of time- say a month or a year- I find that there are plenty of opportunities to take time for myself, but I don't. I'm either too tired or I just want "down time". Why is it that we don't schedule down time into our work life, so that we can have better balance in our home life? Why do we create different categories of how we treat time?

Why is that when we invest time in ourselves, fun and adventurous time, we are so much more productive in our professional time? Yet knowing this we still always but that adventure on the back burner to handle that one more meeting? When was the last time a meeting juiced you as much as a blower powder day?

What happens on the backside of our life when we review how we spent our life? How do we get that perspective on the frontside? Tell you what- I'm going to go for a ride and see if I can figure it out.