Tuesday, January 29, 2008


I'm not sure how so much time has gotten by me but it has. Winter is back, although as I write this we are expecting possible rain showers tonight and tomorrow, but I don't think it will amount to much in terms of snow loss. It will make Meisters interesting tomorrow!

The Pat's are in the Super Bowl- so that will consume Sunday evening and then we are right into February which means it's time to really start mixing skiing and riding (bikes) to try and gain fitness heading into March and the cycling season. I've taken it very easy this January, so I know I've got some work ahead.

Time to go to work...

Saturday, January 12, 2008

January Thaw

90 plus inches of snow followed by temps in the upper 50's- welcome to winter in New England.

Cranmore is hositng their Biodesiel day today- should be interesting. If you drive a hybrid you ski for free (what if you drive a gas engine car that gets 40mpg?)

I think I'll park the skis today and grab the bike.

Go Pats!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

Happy New Year

It's 2008- how did that happen?

Here in the east it's been snowing and snowing and snowing- which has made for fantastic skiing!

I don't have a great deal to say at the moment- but that never lasts for long!